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About Ryan


Ryan Frauhiger of Wells county Indiana has a life-long love for art.  Relief carving and 3 dimensional wood carvings of nature are the main focus of his work.  A love for the outdoors was developed early on through time spent with grandpa “Frick” Forrest Brindle.


The most interesting part of carving is finding the form within the block.  The potential that waits to be developed is sometimes simple and sometimes more complicated, but always worth finding.  Inspiration comes from the creation account.  And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.”  And it was so. Genesis 1:24

What I'm Learning


In Rick Warren's book "Purpose Driven Life" The first thing I learned is that life is not about me. We are all part of God's creation and we were made for worship.  When I read that I began to realize that being an artist is not a useless gift and I can use it for God's glory. 


Chuck Colson in "How now Shall We Live" says this "Made in the image of the Creator, humans find fulfillment in being creative in their own sphere. Yet unlike God, the human artist does not create out of nothing." I strongly agree that art should reflect the beauty of God's creation.


I chose Genesis 1:24 as a reminder that what I am trying to do as a carver is to copy as closely as I am able, what I see in God's creation, Genesis 1:24 "and God said, let the land produce living creatures according to their kind. Livestock, creatures that move along the ground and wild animals, each according to their kind and it was so."

An Inspirational poem:


Sometimes our lives are like barnyard ducks. 

We dabble around in the barnyard muck.

Grow weak and tired with useless wings,

but sometimes when the north wind sings

and the wild ones hurl over head.

We remember something but it's lost and it's dead

We look above with a weary eye

and make just a feeble attempt to fly.

We're quite content with the shape we're in

but, we're not the ducks we could've been.

What kind of duck are you?

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A special thanks to...


Forrest "Frick" Brindle, my Grandpa for teaching me a special love for the outdoors.

Norb Ploetz, for lessons in carving.

Bob Hayden, for helping me stain my deer antlers.

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